I provide services that help law firms future-proof their businesses. From marketing and business development strategy, to client listening, and culture-focused work, these services are designed to work cohesively and build sustainable growth. In some cases, this might mean considering new markets and new offerings, or refining existing ones. Work can also include adjustments to ways-of-working, policies, programs, and procedures that uphold firm values and support where your firm culture is at today.
Marketing & BD Strategy
You know you're doing strategy right if it makes you uncomfortable. It should involve uncertainty because it's based on a theory: what has to be true for you to win? There are tough trade-offs and choices made, and you need to adjust based on how the market responds. It's top down and bottom up and provides the roadmap for your planning.
My approach to strategy involves looking for opportunities to generate value for all key stakeholders: partners, talent, clients, and communities. That does not mean being all things to all people, but it does mean rooting strategy in values and purpose. How can your firm uniquely add value to people, and in doing so, generate value and profit?
Strategy at firm, practice, industry, client, or individual lawyer level
Department structure and role reviews
Marketing collateral reviews
Design-build planning processes
Design-build account management functions
Strengthen strategy
Enhance market presence
Foster innovation
Enrich cultures
Establish a roadmap for growth
Generate social value
Client Listening
Stakeholder engagement is considered essential in most sectors, yet often overlooked in legal, or managed off the sides of desks. In most cases, this means that not enough client feedback is generated to provide valuable insights on brand awareness, equity, relationship strength, client satisfaction, or future growth opportunities.
While relationship partners are tapped into clients’ business priorities and satisfaction levels, these insights create the most value when shared in a structured way, across a client team. That's the benefit of a formal client listening program: it delivers client and market intelligence on scales that you simply can't achieve otherwise in this market.
Client listening program design, build, and operate
Matter, post-bid, and relationship reviews
In-depth analysis of feedback and recommended action plans
Inform strategy
Improve client satisfaction
Strengthen client relationships
Support succession planning
Boost morale
Mitigate risks
Generate social value
EDI, ESG & Pro bono
Being future-ready must include a close examination of values, purpose, and culture, because with a massive generational shift underway across the profession, culture is changing the business of law.
With similar transformation taking place across other sectors, law firms are feeling pressures from both internal and external sources. Some of the ways we see this materialize are higher expectations around equity, diversity, and inclusion; mental wellness; sustainability; and pro bono legal services. Going back to values, newer generations expect alignment between personal and organizational values.
A key starting point for law firms in modernizing practices is figuring out what is material to the business: what do your people really care about? From there, it's about leveraging that focus to drive profitability and social value. Whether it’s building capacity to respond to changing client demands, or adapt to changing internal expectations, we’ll work with you to drive impact that truly matters.
Defining values and purpose
EDI, ESG, and pro bono strategies and processes
Voluntary disclosures
Policy and procedure reviews
Certification processes
Support recruitment & retention
Strengthen leadership
Build inclusive cultures
Earn market recognition
Strengthen client relationships
Drive engagement
Mitigate greenwashing risks
Generate social value
How I work
Explore fractional leadership to gain access to temporary or on-demand support across the full spectrum of marketing and business development. Without a significant, long-term investment, firms can access senior leadership that can hit the ground running.
Collaborate with me on a project-by-project basis. Projects could be reoccurring, such as strategy and business planning, or one-off, such as the design-build of a key client program, client listening program, or project management of a certification process.